Transcript Grading Scales and Notations - University Registrar's Office (2024)

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University Registrar's Office

The transcript grading scales and notations are included with the official University of Toronto transcript.

The following guide is effective as of September 1998.

Grade MeaningsRefined Letter Grade ScaleNumerical Scale of MarksGrade Point Value


A +
A –

90 – 100%
85 – 89%
80 – 84%



B +
B –

77 – 79%
73 – 76%
70 – 72%



C +
C –

67 – 69%
63 – 66%
60 – 62%



D +
D –

57 – 59%
53 – 56%
50 – 52%




0 – 49%

Grade MeaningsGrade Point ValueTruncated Letter Grade ScaleNumerical Scale of Marks



A +
A –

90 – 100%
85 – 89%
80 – 84%



B +
B –

77 – 79%
73 – 76%
70 – 72%








0 – 69%

A passing mark in the Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, and the Faculty of Nursing is 60%.

Refined Letter Grade Scale
Grade Meaning
HHHigh Honours
LPLow Pass

The Faculty of Law J.D. program used the following grade scale between Fall-1998 and Fall-2012:

Refined Letter Grade ScaleNumerical Scale of MarksGrade Meaning
Fbelow 50Inadequate
ADDAdditional course, taken for credit
AEGAegrotat standing granted on the basis of term work and medical or similar evidence. Course credit granted.
DNWDid not write/did not attend/did little work
EXTExtra course, not for credit
GWRGrade withheld pending review
IPRIn progress. IPR will also appear if the course has not yet started or the course has finished but an approved grade is not yet available
LWDLate withdrawal without academic penalty
NGANo grade available
SDFStanding deferred on the basis of incomplete course work or because of medical or similar reasons
WDRWithdrawn without academic penalty
XMPExemption granted on the basis of credit for work done elsewhere. Course credit granted
Candidacy AchievedA student who has completed all program requirements for the PhD degree exclusive of thesis research will be considered a candidate in the School of Graduate Studies

The following types of averages may appear:

GPAGrade Point Average
ACCAGPA on the Academic Activity Component of the Bachelor of Physical Health and Education
CICAGPA on the Curriculum and Instruction Component of the Bachelor of Education and Diploma in Technical Education
FNCAGPA on Foundations Component of the Bachelor of Education and Diploma in Technical Education
PACAGPA on the Physical Activity Component of the Bachelor of Physical Health and Education
PERSPercentage Average
 ACCUM. AVGAccumulated Average

Academic awards information is not listed on University of Toronto transcripts.

Fall Session: September to December
Winter Session: January to April
Summer Session: May to August

Course Weight Semester Hours Equivalent
1.006 hours
0.53 hours

Course average is shown for undergraduate courses with a size of 12 or more and is expressed as a letter grade corresponding to the refined letter grade scale. The symbol “*” is used to indicate an undergraduate course with fewer than 12 students. A “blank” is used to indicate that a course average has not been calculated.

Credit/Non-Credit (CR/NCR) is an approved grading scale at the University of Toronto.  Generally, CR/NCR grades are not factored into the GPA calculation. Where NCR is used in the GPA calculation, the symbol “NC%” is used on the transcript and a grade point value of 0.0 is assigned.

In a few cases, all students in a course will be graded in this manner. More often, this grading scale is an option that may be selected by students in some University divisions: the Faculty of Arts and Science; the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design; the University of Toronto Scarborough; and the University of Toronto Mississauga. Normally, students in these divisions may choose up to 2.0 full course equivalents in the course of their degree to be graded in this manner.

In March, 2015, the University was affected by a labour disruption. In some courses the syllabus was changed to re-weight course work and exams.  As an accommodation in that academic year, some students were graded on the CR/NCR grading scale instead of receiving a letter or numeric grade. As a consequence, some students may have received more than the normal maximum of 2.0 FCE’s graded on the CR/NCR basis during the 2014/2015 academic year. There may also be students in other academic divisions who received this grade because they were taking an affected course in one of the named divisions.

Faculty of LawHH stands for High Honours; H stands for Honours; P stands for Pass with Merit, and LP stands for Low Pass.
Faculty of MedicineCredits earned are not applicable for the Doctor of Medicine program. A passing mark is 60%.
Faculty of MusicCumulative GPA includes courses completed since September 1998 only; for previous results, refer to additional transcript information attached.
Faculty of Medicine, Occupational TherapyThe passing grade is D for physiology only and 60% in all other courses.
Faculty of Medicine, Physical TherapyThe passing grade is 60%.
Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical EducationCumulative averages include courses completed since September 1998 only; for previous results, refer to additional transcript information attached.
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of TorontoOn July 1, 1996, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and the Faculty of Education, University of Toronto, including the Institute of Child Study Laboratory School and the University of Toronto Schools, were integrated to form a new University of Toronto Faculty of Education called the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto (OISE/UT).

Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) is an approved grading scale at the University of Toronto.  Generally, CR/NCR grades are not factored into the GPA calculation.  Where NCR is used in the GPA calculation, the symbol “NC%” is used on the transcript and a grade point value of 0.0 is assigned.

In 2020, the University of Toronto was affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic.  In-person courses were partially replaced with alternative delivery methods and some students received grades based on the CR/NCR grading scale instead of receiving a letter or numeric grade.

The GPA Calculator is readily available to U of T students and can be used to estimate sessional, cumulative and annual GPAs. The application also recommends resources, including academic advising, writing centres, workshops and career advising.

GPA Calculator

Grade MeaningsUndergraduate Grade ScaleUndergraduate Grade ScaleGrade Point ValueGraduate Grade Scale Graduate Grade Scale

Refined Letter Grade Scale

Numerical Scale of Marks

Truncated Letter Grade Scale

Numerical Scale of Marks


A +
A –

90 – 100%
85 – 89%
80 – 84%


A +
A –

90 – 100%
85 – 89%
80 – 84%


B +
B –

77 – 79%
73 – 76%
70 – 72%


B +
B –

77 – 79%
73 – 76%
70 – 72%


C +
C –

67 – 69%
63 – 66%
60 – 62%



D +
D –

57 – 59%
53 – 56%
50 – 52%




0 – 49%



0 – 69%
Transcript Grading Scales and Notations - University Registrar's Office (2024)


What are the grading scales for universities? ›

Grading scales vary between schools

While the 4.0 scale is the most common among universities, grading policies can differ between colleges. Some use additional grade levels, adding a plus or minus, like A+, A-, B+, etc. Others may go by a 5.0 or even 12.0 scale to allow for more precise GPA calculations.

What does f * mean on transcript? ›

F* – Administrative F. The Office of the University Registrar automatically converts the temporary grades of AB and IN to F* when the time limit for a grade change on these temporary grades has expired. NG – No Grade.

What are the letters on the grading scale chart? ›

What are letter grades and how do they convert into percentages? Common examples of grade conversion are: A+ (97–100), A (93–96), A- (90–92), B+ (87–89), B (83–86), B- (80–82), C+ (77–79), C (73–76), C- (70–72), D+ (67–69), D (65–66), D- (below 65).

What is a 2.5 grade equivalent to in college? ›

University of the Assumption
GradeScaleUS Grade
1.888.00 - 89.00B+
2.085.00 - 87.00B
2.383.00 - 84.00B-
2.580.00 - 82.00C+
6 more rows

What is the current grading system? ›

In the United States, academic grading commonly takes on the form of five, six or seven letter grades. Traditionally, the grades are A+, A, A−, B+, B, B−, C+, C, C−, D+, D, D− and F, with A+ being the highest and F being lowest.

How does grading work in university? ›

When you start at university, any mark over 50% is a great grade. Getting a mark over 50% means that you are beginning to understand the difficult work of your degree. Getting over 60% is excellent because it means you have demonstrated a deep knowledge of your subject to the marker.

What is a transcript notation? ›

Transcript notation includes the internship title, organization, and the specific quarter(s) on the comments section of your transcript. Transcript notation is free and: Helps you determine internship goals, duties, expectations. Documents your academically approved internship.

What are the transcript codes? ›

As a tax return is processed, there are transaction codes added to it to indicate changes. These transaction codes are three digits long. They are used to identify a transaction being processed and to maintain a history of actions posted to a taxpayer's account on the Master File.

Is an F or FW better? ›

If the grade is a failing one, the student would earn an “F”. If the student stopped attending/participating and subsequently, there was no activity of any sort including submission of assignments, exam participation, etc. after the “last day to withdraw from a course” deadline. The grade would be an “FW”.

What are the letter format grades? ›

The United States grading system uses letter grades to evaluate student progress. An excellent grade is between 90 and 100, which corresponds to an "A", 80-89 is a "B", 70-79 is a "C", 60-69 is a "D" and anything below 60 is an "F".

What are the grade scale percentages? ›

Letter Grades and Grade Point Equivalents
GradeGrade Point EquivalentPercentage Equivalent
7 more rows

What is the 5 letter grading system? ›

In college, the grading system is typically divided into five letter grades, A, B, C, D, and F. Each letter grade corresponds with a grade point average (GPA) and a numerical range. You'll usually need to receive a letter grade between A and D to pass a class, often the numerical equivalent of 65 percent or higher.

Is 2.9 GPA good in university? ›

Because a 2.9 GPA is so close to that benchmark, it demonstrates frequent above-average academic performance. A 2.9 GPA also means that you can apply to a number of colleges and universities and can reasonably expect admission to a sampling of them.

Is a 2.8 GPA good in university? ›

Is a 2.8 GPA Good? Because a 2.8 is two-tenths of a point from a B average, a 2.8 GPA indicates several above-average grades and that your performance on homework and exams was up to par. With a 2.8 GPA, several colleges will consider your application, so you have a decent number of options to choose from.

Is 2.71 a good GPA? ›

Is a 2.7 GPA good? This GPA means that you've earned an average grade of a B- across all of your classes. Since a 2.7 GPA is lower than the national average of 3.0 for high school students, it will limit your options for college. 3.95% of schools have an average GPA below a 2.7.

What are the 4 grading categories? ›

Use of grading systems that have equal levels (each letter grade equal to 20% of the 100 percentage scale: 80-100% = A; 60-79% = B; 40-59% = C; 20-39% = D; and 0-19% = F) which occurs naturally when using a 4-point grading system (4 = A; 3 = B, 2 = C, 1 =D; 0 = F) over a 100-point system increases equity in grading.

What is a 3.9 GPA on a 5.0 scale? ›

GPA Conversion Table
4.0 Scale4.3 Scale5.0 Scale
3.80 ~ 3.834.08 ~ 4.114.73 ~ 4.78
3.75 ~ 3.794.03 ~ 4.074.68 ~ 4.72
3.71 ~ 3.743.98 ~ 4.024.62 ~ 4.67
3.67 ~ 3.703.93 ~ 3.974.57 ~ 4.61
17 more rows

Is 70 a passing grade in university? ›

The normal grading range is from 55 to 100. The number grades correspond to letter grades as reflected in the chart below. The minimum passing grade is 70 (C). Any grades between 55 and 69 (D and F) are considered failing grades for which unit credit is not earned.

What grading scale does Harvard use? ›

A=4.00 (Excellent)
B+=3.30 (Good)
B-=2.70 (Satisfactory)
5 more rows


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 6386

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.