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Date Signed: 6/14/2023 | MARADMINS Number: 306/23


MARADMINS : 306/23

R 141315Z JUN 23
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. This Marine Administrative Message (MARADMIN) announces changes to the allocations and zone cutoffs established by reference (a) for the convening of the FY 2023 SSgt Promotion Selection Board.
2. As zones and allocations are subject to change prior to or during boards, all Marines are reminded of their responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of their records. The following reflects changes to the tentative allocations, zones and cutoffs:
0111 191 20190601 20151019 20210202 20170313 20210701 NA
0161 12 20190901 NA 20200801 NA 20210501 NA
0211 33 20191101 20160509 20200701 NA NA NA
0231 100 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
0241 22 20171201 NA 20180801 NA 20190401 20150921
0261 10 20200202 NA 20201101 NA NA NA
0321 36 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
0363 26 20191201 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
0369 303 20190601 20150622 20200501 NA 20210401 20150817
0372 92 20190101 20140818 20200701 NA NA NA
0411 34 20191101 20160606 20210701 20170605 20210701 NA
0441 125 20200201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
0451 10 20200101 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
0511 8 20190101 NA 20200801 NA 20210601 NA
0629 172 20191101 20160509 20210501 20170417 20210701 NA
0639 112 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
0679 134 20200202 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
0811 52 20200101 20150720 20210601 20170515 20210701 NA
0848 41 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
0871 45 NA NA 20210701 NA NA NA
1141 8 20170401 NA 20181101 20140324 20191001 20150316
1142 11 20181201 NA 20200701 NA 20210401 20170313
1161 8 20181001 NA 20200201 NA 20201201 NA
1171 22 20190601 NA 20201001 NA 20210701 NA
1341 10 20181001 20130408 20191201 20130416 20200801 20140825
1345 38 20171101 20121126 20210201 NA 20210502 NA
1361 2 20200202 NA 20210201 NA NA NA
1371 53 20190801 20140616 20200901 20160808 20210701 20170619
1391 39 20190701 20160321 20210301 NA 20210701 NA
1721 57 20191001 NA 20210701 20170612 20210701 NA
1751 23 20191001 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
1833 34 20190201 NA 20200601 20160516 20210701 20170626
2111 23 20181001 20150601 20200101 20141020 20201101 20160725
2131 8 20190201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
2141 19 20191201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
2147 15 20191201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
2161 2 20190901 20160705 20191101 20151019 20200101 NA
2171 7 20191101 20140728 20200401 NA 20210101 20141020
2311 18 20190701 NA 20200501 20160404 20201201 20160912
2336 76 20180101 NA 20190401 20151207 20210101 20161024
2629 66 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
2651 24 20200201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
2862 146 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
2874 3 20190901 NA 20210501 NA NA NA
2887 2 20190801 NA 20210501 NA NA NA
3043 130 20191101 20160718 20210701 NA NA NA
3044 15 20190801 20151116 20210601 20170515 20210701 NA
3051 24 20180501 20130128 20190502 20150427 20200901 NA
3152 22 20200101 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
3381 54 20191001 20150713 20210301 NA 20210701 NA
3432 26 20200101 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
3451 12 20191201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
3529 60 20180901 NA 20190801 20160119 20200801 20160705
3537 144 20171001 20130916 20190901 20150727 20201001 20160906
4133 19 20190901 20150120 20210601 NA NA NA
4421 20 20200202 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
4591 31 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
4821 36 20180501 NA 20191101 20160307 20210201 20170123
5512 5 20190601 20160509 20201101 20161024 20210501 NA
5524 11 20181001 NA 20190901 NA 20200701 NA
5769 37 20200201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
5811 63 20200101 20141014 20210701 NA NA NA
5821 31 20171001 20130204 20191102 NA 20210701 NA
5831 12 20171101 20130318 20201001 20160125 20210501 NA
5939 6 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
5948 9 20200201 NA 20210501 NA NA NA
5951 4 20181001 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
5952 7 20191201 NA 20210301 NA NA NA
5953 7 20190401 NA 20201201 NA 20210701 NA
5954 13 20200301 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
5974 7 20200201 NA 20210101 NA NA NA
5979 4 20190701 NA 20210501 NA NA NA
6042 16 20200101 20150921 20210501 NA NA NA
6046 30 20190601 20160222 20210101 20161205 20210701 NA
6048 15 20200301 NA 20201101 NA 20210501 NA
6062 7 20200201 NA 20210301 20150511 20210401 NA
6073 12 20180201 NA 20190801 20150105 20191101 20150324
6074 5 20190101 NA 20200601 NA 20210401 NA
6092 22 20200301 NA 20210401 NA NA NA
6113 2 20200101 NA 20200701 20140602 20200801 NA
6114 28 20180801 20150126 20210401 NA 20210701 NA
6116 31 20200101 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6123 2 20200201 20130507 20200701 20151102 20210101 20150323
6124 4 20180301 NA 20200601 NA 20210401 NA
6132 5 20191201 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
6153 13 20181001 NA 20190801 NA 20210701 20170612
6154 26 20180502 NA 20201001 NA 20210601 NA
6156 27 20191201 NA 20210401 NA NA NA
6173 18 20191201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6174 12 20200301 NA 20210301 NA NA NA
6176 22 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6216 8 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6218 44 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6222 2 20190701 NA 20200501 NA NA NA
6227 3 20200301 NA 20210301 NA 20210601 NA
6256 8 20190901 NA 20210501 NA NA NA
6258 41 20191201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6276 19 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6286 2 20200101 NA 20201001 20150824 20210502 20171106
6288 17 20200201 20160104 20210701 NA NA NA
6314 3 20200101 NA 20210501 NA NA NA
6316 6 20191101 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
6323 7 20190501 20150601 20190901 20160613 20200401 NA
6324 34 20180801 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6326 21 20200301 NA 20210701 20170612 20210701 NA
6336 8 20200201 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
6338 56 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6423 13 20191001 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6432 16 20200101 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6469 16 20200301 NA 20210601 20170522 20210601 NA
6483 15 20190901 20160613 20210201 NA 20210701 NA
6492 11 20191001 NA 20210502 NA 20210601 NA
6499 3 20200301 20150126 20200601 NA 20201101 20150622
6531 50 20190601 20150810 20201101 NA 20210701 NA
6541 35 20190301 NA 20201201 20161114 20210701 NA
6672 39 20191201 20160307 20210201 20170103 20210701 NA
6694 24 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
6842 18 20200201 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
7011 14 20191101 20150713 20210401 NA NA NA
7041 34 20200301 NA 20210701 20170626 20210701 NA
7051 22 20191201 20160815 20210701 NA NA NA
7212 24 20200202 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
7236 17 20200201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
7242 17 20191201 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
7257 34 20200301 NA 20210701 NA NA NA
7314 9 20191101 NA 20210301 NA NA NA
7316 2 20191101 NA 20210301 NA NA NA
The following IMOS(S) are closed: 1316.
3. Due to the increased population, it is estimated that the board could last 11 weeks.
4. This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
5. All other provisions remain the same.
6. Release authorized by BGen Ryan S. Rideout, Director, Manpower Management Division.//



How long do you have to be a sgt to get ssgt usmc? ›

Promotion criteria
Marine Corps Enlisted Ranks
SergeantE-524 months
Staff noncommissioned officers (SNCOs)
Staff SergeantE-6Four years
Must complete the Marine Noncommissioned (MCI) Course, Noncommissioned Officer Basic Nonresident Program or the Sergeants Nonresident Program/Sergeants Distance Education Program
15 more rows
Oct 13, 2023

How to get promoted to Staff Sergeant in USMC? ›

Sergeants looking to be promote to Staff Sergeant must have 60 months time in service and 36 months time in grade. The board will also refer to the Marine's Fitness Report (FitRep), which is a review of that Marine's performance during a specific time period.

How can marines determine when they will be in zone for promotion? ›

If your lineal number is lower than the number for the Senior in-zone officer but greater than the number for the Junior in-zone officer on the message, you will be considered in- zone by the upcoming promotion board. board as a below zone will not incur a failure of selection (or FOS) if not selected.

How much does a Staff Sergeant make in the Marine Corps? ›

A Staff Sergeant is a staff noncommissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps at DoD paygrade E-6. A Staff Sergeant receives a monthly basic pay salary starting at $3,136 per month, with raises up to $4,856 per month once they have served for over 18 years.

How fast can you become a Staff Sergeant? ›

E-6, staff sergeant

To become a staff sergeant, you must have four years TIS and 24 months TIG. Staff sergeants typically serve as platoon sergeants, overseeing 40-50 Marines with one or more sergeants serving under their leadership.

Can you make SSgt in 4 years? ›

The average active duty time for a promotion to staff sergeant is around 4 years, however, upon achieving a 5-skill level, completing the Airman Leadership School, and competing in WAPS, you may be able to do it in less time.

What is the promotion rate for staff sergeants? ›

Air Force Staff Sergeant Promotion Statistics
24 more rows
Aug 8, 2023

What rank should you be after 20 years in the Marines? ›

It typically takes 16-22 years to reach the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Who was the fastest Marine to make E8? ›

Cody rose through the ranks making E8 the fastest in Marine Corps history. Cody faced politics that drove him into the life of a nomad seeking the truth of self love and empowerment.

Which branch promotes the fastest? ›

The Army is generally the branch of the military that promotes the fastest. That said, your military job and any advanced education you have can impact your ability to be promoted. A college degree can help you get promoted, regardless of your branch. Specialized career fields often don't promote quickly.

Which branch takes the longest to rank up? ›

The Army, for instance, typically has a longer hierarchy compared to the Air Force, which may impact the time it takes to reach senior positions. Each branch follows a similar enlistment structure but may have different titles and responsibilities for equivalent ranks.

What is the time in grade for E5 to E6? ›

9-level in Primary AFSC. 18 months time-in-grade as E-5. Assigned to TSgt slot. 24 months time-in-grade as E-6.

Is Staff Sergeant a high rank Marines? ›

U.S. Marine Corps

Staff sergeant (SSgt) is E-6 rank (NATO code OR-6) in the United States Marine Corps (USMC), ranking above sergeant and below gunnery sergeant. This grade is normally achieved after 6 years in service. The rank of staff sergeant in the USMC was created in 1923 to coincide with the U.S. Army's ranks.

How do you address a Staff Sergeant? ›

Sergeants and staff sergeants are addressed as "Sergeant ______” (followed by their last name). Sergeant First Class and Master Sergeant are addressed as “Sergeant ______” (followed by their last name). First Sergeant are addressed as “First Sergeant _______” (followed by their last name).

How long can you be a Staff Sergeant in the Marine Corps? ›

2. Sgts service limitation is 12 years of active Marine Corps service or two failed selections to SSgt. 3.

How long do you have to be a sergeant before staff sergeant? ›

Staff sergeant (SSgt) is E-6 rank (NATO code OR-6) in the United States Marine Corps (USMC), ranking above sergeant and below gunnery sergeant. This grade is normally achieved after 6 years in service.

How long do you have to be a SGT before SSG? ›

To SSG primary zone: Sergeant (SGT) with minimum 70 months' time in service (TIS) and 16 months' time in grade (TIG). c. To SSG secondary zone: SGT with minimum 46 months TIS and 6 months TIG.

How long does it take to become a Sergeant Major at USMC? ›

To promote to Sergeant Major, a Marine must have spent a minimum of 3 years as a First Sergeant and 10 years overall in the Corps, and have completed a certain level of Enlisted Professional Military Education. Only First Sergeants may become Sergeants Major.


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.